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Women Revolutionizing Robotics: Solutions Exec Callie Moriarty
Women Revolutionizing Robotics: Solutions Exec Callie Moriarty
by Team Automation
Posted in Automation, Women Revolutionizing
Whilst developments in mobile robotics never seem to cease, one aspect of the industry that continues to lag behind is the representation of women, particularly in positions of leadership. Olivia Wake speaks to Solutions Executive Callie Moriarty about choosing the right working environments nand having it all as a career-oriented woman.
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Women Revolutionizing Robotics: Marketing Leader Kristin Fornal
Women Revolutionizing Robotics: Marketing Leader Kristin Fornal
by Team Automation
Posted in Automation, Women Revolutionizing
Whilst developments in mobile robotics never seem to cease, one aspect of the industry that continues to lag behind is the representation of women, particularly in positions of leadership. As part of our Women Revolutionizing Robotics series, we speak to Kristin Formal, marketing leader in the robotics industry about balancing work, life and motherhood.
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The recruitment mistake to avoid
The recruitment mistake to avoid
by Team Automation
Posted in Automation
As with any growing industry, companies are competing for talented employees at all levels and especially business-critical senior positions, but many are underestimating the importance of industry expertise in their recruitment partners.
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